Brian Flower, as we knew him, was extradited back to Pentridge Jail in Melbourne, charged with bank robbery. We knew him as a grandiose high camp figure flashing around London in his red BMW sports car. Margaret or Christine, I think this is Margaret but not 100% sure, they were identical twins, became prominent artists, academics and authors, and now live in LA, California. And Liz, who was a wonderful person and artist, has passed away.
DAYS: 2016 - 2018 These blogs began in 2004 and have been maintained somewhat haphazardly by the founder of A Sense of Place Publishing, journalist John Stapleton, ever since. They are not polished pieces of writing, but a rough "first draft of history", so to speak. Some of the material thus collected has made it into various books, including The Twilight Soi, Hunting the Famous, Terror in Australia: Workers' Paradise Lost and Hideout in the Apocalypse.