Sunday 27 August 2017


Privacy is dammed. It could be a trap. He's taking the bait. Everything was a trap but everything could be turned to his own advantage. As if he truly cared about his own fate when the world hung in the balance. Back someone into a corner, they have no choice. Trap a soldier from another realm into fleshly form, trap them in time and surround them with enemies, the Watchers on the Watch, these servants of government and dark lords, and there was no choice. 
Kill your enemies. Attack anyone who comes near. Condemn them to a psychic death. Let them rot, strung out on crucifixes beneath an otherworldly sun.
Such were the traps that surveillance presented. A military mindset, trained by Defence, had zero understanding of the citizenry which they constantly surveyed, harassed, intimidated and manipulated. 
The Australian Secret Intelligence Organisation more frequently known as ASIO  had been manipulating the arts in Australia since the 1950s, soon after its founding. 
Their manipulation of the media was blatant and ongoing.
It was simply a propaganda device, a means of controlling, and keeping quiet, the population. They would go out of their way to silence anyone who spoke out, unless, of course, it was the voice of the deep state, the endlessly left deep state, when, of course, the writers and so-called journalists, the propagandists, were showered with endowments. 
It was easy to detect.
One thing humans, the Organics, were good at was pattern detection, since patterns, sound, sight, smell, had been essential to their survival, on  the savannas, now in the cities. 
Old Alex knew it all too well; none of the initial impulses which once served and fueled the profession, the eccentrics, the heavy drinkers, carousers, miscreants, the highly intelligent and broadly tolerant, carrying with them the knowledge of their own frailties, and with it social justice impulses, the desire to tell other people's stories, most of all the creative impulse. It had all been leached out of Australian media; the victim of a a contemporary version of the CIA's Operation Mockingbird.  
If we can but weld our souls together, then with contempt shall I fling my glove in the worlds face , then shall I stride through the wreckage a creator. Karl Marx.
Karl Marx was possessed of a demonic genius that was to transform the modern world. Padover.
In this regard, as in so many other regards, ASIO had worshipped at the knees of the CIA. 
Or just let them run the show. 
The Australian public had no idea what was being done in their name. With their money.
Keep 'em in the dark and feed them bullshit was but scarce the beginning of it.
In so many ways Australia was already a communist country.  The Family Court was a communist court but no one told the poor bastards who queued up to fight for their children. "Facts are just weapons that men use to batter women and perpetuate the system." The overlords, judges, professors, bureaucrats, lived by rules of their own devising. Or the rules they had learnt at the knees of their professors, who reveled in what they still thought was the shocking act of re-indoctrination, of telling  each new generation of wide eyed students they had grown up in a bourgeois construct. That their family, their doting family, needed to be deconstructed. That they were racist, sexist, oppressive. Ooh wah. That the only way forward was a socialist nirvana. 
He frightens me. 
We should all be frightened. Here on the edge of history. 
The Victorian Court which had just hauled George Pell back for public spectacle had already succeeded in its aim, the public humiliation of a large, powerful white male. The matter would never actually get to court. That was not the point. 
Almost nobody understood that. 
The charges, considering the age of the alleged historic offences, could, he was told on good authority, in the whispering ghats, were weak. 
But all that was a matter of public record.
For all to see. 
The communist state, once a society which promoted individualism and free enterprise now destroyed any sign of entrepreneurship, howled down individuality. Stasi Germany move aside.
The mob ruled.
And every mob contained within itself the seeds of their own destruction. 
For humans were humans. Tribal. Familial. Individual. Inclined to spirituality.
The species might be turning itself into a hive mind. But for the hive to be effective, it needed to be made up of individuals. 
Most of the components were not intelligent enough to carry the message, little more than genetic debris from the attempts to breed a master race. 
A honey comb like sky, dripping a kind of poisonous ectoplasm, was already rent asunder, revealing above a black which was only the beginning of the horror. 
These small, furry, warm blooded creatures on this tiny planet were frightened of death? 
There was worse, far worse. 
The death of their kind. An existential death. The death of reason. The rise of evil. 
For weeks there had been talk of little else but boxing. 
In bars, clubs, lounge rooms, workplaces, almost everywhere imaginable, hundreds of millions of people around the world watched the Mayweather McGregor fight. 
Technical Knock Out.


Image result for raqqa syria

Beirut: Daesh terrorists pushed back government forces advancing on one of the last towns still in their hands in the province of Raqqa, killing more than two dozen soldiers and seizing vehicles, a Syria monitoring group and the terrorist group said.
The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said the early Friday counterattack by Daesh short-circuited a government advance on Maadan, which brought them within only a few kilometres in recent days.
The Russia-backed government forces have been on a multi-pronged offensive, moving toward the Daesh-held territories in Deir Al Zor province in the east from northern, central and southern Syria.
On Friday, the Russian military said its air force is now focusing on supporting the Syrian army’s offensive in Deir Al Zor. Syrian government forces control around half the city and a nearby airbase, both of which are besieged by Daesh.
Col. Gen. Sergei Rudskoi of the military’s General Staff said the Russian two-year campaign backing the Syrian government has allowed President Bashar Al Assad’s forces to quadruple the territory under their control.

Former Thai PM Yingluck Shinawatra has fled to Dubai after failing to appear in court, party sources say.

Thailand's former Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra has fled to Dubai, senior members of her party said on Saturday, a day after she failed to show up for a negligence ruling in which she faced up to 10 years in prison.
Sources in her Puea Thai Party said the former prime minister left Thailand last week and flew via Singapore to Dubai where her brother, former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra, who lives in self-imposed exile to avoid a 2008 jail sentence for corruption, has a home.
'We heard that she went to Cambodia and then Singapore from where she flew to Dubai. She has arrived safely and is there now,' said a senior member of the Puea Thai Party who declined to be named because he was not authorised to speak to the media.
Deputy national police chief General Srivara Rangsibrahmanakul said police had no record of Yingluck leaving the country and where following developments closely.

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